Bad driving habits can put you and others at risk and lead to costly repairs over time. To be a safer driver, stay away from the driving behaviors listed in this post by Oilrich in New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
As drivers, we are all susceptible to making mistakes behind the wheel. But have you ever stopped to think of how careless driving can lead to costly repairs over time? More importantly, what you do on the road habit-wise determines how safe or unsafe you are as a driver. With that in mind, this post has compiled a few bad driving habits you may have picked up over the years. Read on if you want to know why and how to avoid them.
Do you often text, eat, or play loud music while driving? Shifting your focus from the road is one of the highest-risk driving behaviors you can pick up. So much so that, according to the NTHSA, 3,142 people lost their lives in 2020 due to distracted driving.
To be more attentive, put down anything that might divert your attention from the road. That might include chatting with your passengers, adjusting the radio, or making phone calls. Instead, keep both hands at the wheel, your eyes on the road, and your mind focused on safe driving.
Drowsy Driving
Drowsiness also makes driving extremely dangerous. In fact, it's similar to drunk driving. When tired, drivers struggle to keep their eyes open, thus their focus on the road. Drowsiness also affects drivers' coordination, reaction times, and judgment. To avoid the risk of falling asleep at the wheel, avoid driving at night and get enough sleep before going on long road trips.
Ignoring Traffic Signs
Traffic lights and signs are there to keep the number of road accidents at the lowest. However, some drivers opt to ignore them in an attempt to save time or take shortcuts. For example, most of us have accelerated through yellow lights or made illegal turns. Of course, disregarding the rules of the road can increase your chances of causing an accident. In the face of such a risk, always understand and respect traffic signs.
Slamming on the pedals is one of the bad driving habits drivers pick up without realizing it. Although most may like the sporty feeling of going from zero to 60 mph in seconds, misusing the pedals is a problem. Why? On the one hand, it is unsafe, and that should be enough to avoid this, but there's more. This bad driving habit wears out the engine mounts, which can be a costly repair, depending on the car you own. Also, taking off and braking as if your vehicle were on the racing track burns extra fuel. So, to avoid all those drawbacks, drive gently and change your speed gradually.
Being Rude on the Road
Are you prone to feeling stressed or angry when stuck in traffic or when another driver cuts you off? Of course, anyone can get triggered by those types of road inconveniences. That is why most of us resort to honking the horn or yelling at other motorists. Still, even the slightest display of annoyance can escalate to road rage, so we must be careful.
With the above in mind, make an effort to remain calm through stressful situations. If an angry driver approaches you, avoid making eye contact or reacting to what they may say.
Neglecting Car Service
Finally, avoid neglecting your car's maintenance needs. That means not postponing routine checkups at the shop or DIY inspections at home. Many drivers fall into this bad habit because, let's face it, proper car maintenance requires time, money, and effort. However, allowing too much time between services can worsen matters. On the one hand, driving a neglected car can backfire on your safety. Plus, repairing a shabby vehicle always winds up being super expensive. To avoid such mishaps, make an effort to follow the service intervals as specified in the owner's manual.